Terms of Membership

Adult Memberships

Membership includes unrestricted playing privileges at the Stratford Country Club.  Members have the opportunity to participate in Club organized golf and social events, in accordance with event fees. Membership does not include entry in any tournament play at Stratford Country Club, excluding Member events. All Membership fees must be paid in full prior to being granted any Membership privileges.

Adult Couples are classified as married or a couple that is common-law (shared home address).

Intermediate Adult Memberships

Membership is identical to the Adult Membership but is offered only to adults aged 20-29 as of January 1.


Student Memberships

The Student Membership (ages 17-25) at the Stratford Country Club includes all of the privileges outlined above in the Adult Membership; however valid proof of enrollment in a full-time educational institution is required.  Age as of January 1.


Junior Memberships

Junior Membership (ages 11-16) at the Stratford Country Club includes unlimited playing privileges at the Stratford Country Club, but is subject to certain time restrictions.

Regulation of Membership

Membership allows Members of Stratford Country Club to use its facilities upon payment of applicable entrance fees and annual dues and is subject to the Rules and Regulations of the Club. Acceptance as a Member does not entitle a Member to, or confer upon the Member, any investment, ownership or equitable interest in the Club or any of its assets. The Club has the sole and absolute right and discretion to operate, maintain, repair, modify, expand, sell, finance, dispose, lease, license or otherwise deal with the Club or any of it facilities as it sees fit.

Stratford Country Club will use reasonable efforts to have the curling rink and/or curling lounge available for play/use by Members. The closure of all or any portion of the curling rink/curling lounge for repair, maintenance, improvement or expansion and the use of all or any part of the facilities for the purpose of private functions, corporate events, public play or otherwise, shall be at the sole discretion of the Club, acting reasonably.

Stratford Country Club and the owners reserve the right, from time to time, to amend the terms of Membership, or make any other changes in the terms and conditions set forth in this Membership Plan. Failure to observe and abide by the terms of Membership or the Rules and Regulations of Stratford Country Club will result in a review of your Membership privileges and may result in suspense or termination of playing privileges.

Membership Activity Fee Policy

Refunds are available for memberships up to opening date for the sport (less administrative service charge of 5%).  Following the opening day of the sport, golf or curling, there will be no refunds or partial refunds on memberships.

Partial Sport Credit:  On a case by case basis, after receipt in writing to the Club Director, Management will review circumstances due to major medical condition/reasons only.  If applicable, a sport credit will be issued pro-rated based on the elapsed time of the sport membership period up to the cut-off point of the sport season (1).  Decisions made by Management will be final and provided within 30 days.  In the event a member is a dual sport activity user, a sport credit will be issued and can be used for either golf or curling.  Sport credits will be valid for  twelve (12) months from date of issue date, are non-transferable, have no monetary value and may only be used towards  annual base membership fees.

(1) Golf July 1, Curling January 1

Social Media

From time to time, the SCC may take photos of our facility that may or may not include members, guests or other golfers. Social media platforms, our website and other promotional material allow us to showcase our facility and membership in hope to attract new and returning guests to our facility.

House Accounts

Statements for all House Accounts are available online through our online booking system. Overdue fees and outstanding house accounts will be charged interest at a monthly rate of 2%.

In order to prevent discrepancies all Member chits are required to be signed and must indicate the appropriate account number. All chits that are not signed which include Food and Beverage purchases will have a 15% service charge added to them. Your account number may be given to your guests at your discretion for use at the Stratford Country Club; however Stratford Country Club assumes no responsibility for any misuse of your house account.

Employee Relations

All Stratford Country Club employees will be treated with respect and courtesy. Members and Guests may not abuse any employee verbally or otherwise. Stratford Country Club does not condone or tolerate sexual harassment of any kind. Sexual harassment includes any conduct, comment, gesture or contact of sexual nature that is likely to cause offense, humiliation or is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. Although the Member or Guest may not perceive their comments or actions to be discriminatory or unwelcome because the employee did not communicate their discomfort, due to the employee customer relationship they may not feel comfortable expressing this.

Stratford Country Club will make every reasonable effort to ensure that no employee is subject to sexual harassment. Any Member who is found to be mistreating a Stratford Country Club employee may have his or her playing privileges suspended or terminated.

SCC employees follow our organization’s Disconnecting From Work policy.  Emailing our team is an acceptable form of communication and our team members will respond during their scheduled work time.  As members, we ask that you avoid reaching out to our employees outside regular working hours via text, social media or other non-email forms of communication, unless emergency related.

Suggestions And Feedback

Suggestions or feedback regarding Members, employees or Club operations must be in writing to the Club Director.

Statement Of Policy, The Service And Consumption Of Alcohol

It is the policy of the Club that responsibility for the conduct of each Member, his/her Family and Guests, in all matters including the consumption of alcoholic beverages on the Club premises, lies with the individual Members; that responsibility is not and cannot be assumed by the Club. The Club Director will instruct each of the Club’s employees who serve alcoholic beverages, to refuse to serve them to any person who appears to have consumed alcohol to the point of creating a potential inconvenience or danger to himself/herself or others. Any Member that feels his/her guest has been offended by a refusal by an employee of Stratford Country Club is asked not to take issue with employee but to place his/her grievance in writing, through the office of the Club Director. Any altercations or disturbances will be reported and suspension or termination of privileges will be considered by Management. Outside alcohol is not permitted to be brought onto the property by any users of our facilities. Those caught bringing outside alcohol onto Stratford Country Club property, will have it taken away, emptied and discarded. The member or guest who brought the alcohol may be suspended, asked to leave, or have their privileges suspended.

Waiver, Variation And Interpretation Of Rules and Regulations

Notwithstanding, anything set forth in the Rules and Regulations, the Management may, at its discretion, waive or vary any or all of the said Rules and Regulations in any particular case. Interpretation of these Rules and Regulations by the management or by any authorized Stratford Country Club official or employee to whom such authority is delegated by the management, is conclusive.

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